* 225g/9oz self raising flour
* 50g/2oz ground almonds
* 175g/7oz butter chopped into squares (plus extra to grease tin)
* 250g/10oz golden granulated sugar
* 50g/2oz desiccated coconut
* 2 medium eggs
* 350g/14oz fresh raspberrys
* oblong baking tray
* food preoceesor
* mixing bowl
* mixing spoon
1./ Preheat the oven to 180oc/gas mark 4. Put the flour, ground almonds, butter & sugar into the processor & blend together.
2./ Take out 100/4oz of the mixture & mix in the coconut then put to one side.
3./ Add the eggs to the food processor & give it a quick whissing, don't worry about it being smooth. Spread your mixture into your baking tray & sprinkle half the raspberries over the top.
4./ Scatter the coconut mixture all over the top & pop into the oven to bake for 45 minutes.
5./ Decorate with the rest of your raspberries & bake for another 15 minutes until firm.
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